The freedom of the frog

the frog finds a gap in my skin;

it sinks below-

sits underneath, some huge bulge

which i prod

until it settles down

flattens like boiling milk

disintegrates into my blood stream

travels up my throat

to sit in my brain for a while

then back down

down my spine

spasms to my feet

cyclically it winds up

into my heart

and i feel it so-

beating so-

so intensely-

i feel it all.

it gathers back into animal form

something palpable

climbs up my throat

sits in my mouth

a caged bird

a frog

i keep there

until it grows some more

and iā€™m forced to part my lips.

freedom is a mouth away.

and the frog took it- freedom

it slipped away.

a part of me missing

i never knew i missed.



